(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[-9.50]PW[Kim SungJin]PB[Shawn]RE[W+Resign];B[pd];W[dp];B[qp];W[dd];B[op];W[jq];B[fc];W[cf];B[jd];W[qi](;B[qf];W[ql];B[pk];W[qk](;B[ph];W[qh]C[White should not push here, but rather tenuki.](;B[pg](;W[lc];B[kc];W[ld];B[jf];W[pb]C[Kim thought this move was not needed. It gave white more of a burden to save.];B[pc];W[ob];B[qb];W[lg];B[ki]C[This was a Hikaru No Go inspired move hehe. It works here because white cannot cut without sacrificing the top.];W[li];B[lj];W[kh];B[jh];W[jg];B[ji];W[kf](;B[ke]C[This is a must.];W[if];B[je];W[ih];B[lf];W[kg](;B[kb]C[This is the losing move. From here black loses control of the game and never regains it.];W[mf];B[le];W[mj];B[me]C[Responding here is painful but a must.];W[lk]C[Now white controls the game.];B[ii];W[hh];B[kj]C[Connecting here is needed. Otherwise white would be able to attack black with no weaknesses.](;W[ni];B[mh];W[mi];B[jl];W[gj];B[ll];W[kk];B[jk];W[mk](;B[ip]C[I played here because any normal move would be too easy for white. But this is a mistake, it is too far.];W[in];B[jp];W[kn]C[White plays a good sequence here.];B[hk];W[fl];B[hm];W[hn](;B[fm]C[This move is dangerous, but I played it because I am losing. Playing normally won't work here.];W[gm];B[gl];W[gn];B[fk];W[el];B[gk];W[dj](;B[jm]C[This is a slow move.];W[kp];B[jn];W[jo];B[io];W[ko];B[iq];W[gp];B[kq];W[lq];B[jr];W[kr](;B[lr];W[jq]C[Black has no Ko threats, but black had to start the ko. ];B[hg]C[Only threat I could find. But it isn't good enough.];W[mr];B[ig];W[gh];B[hf];W[nm];B[ml];W[nl];B[mn];W[nn];B[kq]C[Good exchange before fighting here. But it doesn't matter.];W[ls];B[ok];W[nk];B[no](;W[qn]C[Good move with accurate reading.];B[lp];W[jq];B[pm];W[pn];B[kq];W[mp];B[lo];W[jq];B[om];W[mo]C[Black can't cut white anymore. So black doesn't have any hope left.])(;W[mp]C[If white defends black will try to fight.];B[pm];W[pn];B[om];W[on];B[qm]C[Although even if black can make this a capture race, white has many mor liberties than black. So still no chance for black.]))(;B[ek];W[dk]C[Black should exchange first before starting the Ko.];B[lr];W[jq];B[dl]C[Now black has a threat.]))(;B[kq]C[Black should play here.];W[ij];B[hj];W[hi];B[jj];W[im];B[fi]C[Black still has a fighting chance.]))(;B[gm];W[en]C[Too easy for white. Black should die fighting rather than playing this.]))(;B[io]C[Black could try here if he wanted to be more active.]))(;W[mk]C[White should have fixed here.]))(;B[mf]C[Black should play here. White cannot live on top. ](;W[kb];B[jb];W[nc];B[mb])(;W[mj](;B[mi];W[lh];B[lk])(;B[lk]C[Here white has an easier time dealing with his center group. So the game is very playable for black.]))))(;B[ig];W[je];B[kg];W[ie](;B[ke];W[kd])(;B[lh];W[hc]C[Good for white.])))(;W[ob]C[White can also consider here.]))(;B[pi]C[Black should play this way.]))(;B[pi]C[Black should play this move.];W[ph];B[qh]C[The cut still works.]))(;B[qk]C[Black can also consider this variation.];W[qf];B[qe];W[pf];B[nd];W[oj];B[ok]))
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Kim SungJin    Shawn
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